Sunday 29 June 2014

Fruit And Vegetable Juicing May Be Key To Helping People With Addictions


Could juicing be instrumental in overcoming addictions ranging from nicotine to misuse of medications? For many people, the answer is a resounding, "yes."

Keri Kenseth, an avid juicer, says that eating fresh fruits and vegetables in this manner is the ideal way for people tomaintain good health, or in the case of people with addictions, to nurture their bodies back to health.

How juicing helps people with addictions restore their health

Bodies that have faced years of addictions are riddled with toxins that wreak havoc on overall functioning. From clarity, mood, circulation, to digestion, virtually every aspect of a properly-running system is jeopardized when addictions enter the picture.

That's where juicing comes in.

Kenseth explains that juicing allows people to consume only the essential nutrients from fruits and vegetables, which work to flush out the toxins that have been accumulated from addictive behaviors. Good thing, because over time, all that tobacco, alcohol or other harmful substances can take a toll on our mental and physical health.

Because the fresh fruits and vegetables used for juicing are void of animal products and refined sugars, the body regains energy and its immune system becomes stronger, helping to give those addictions a proper send-off as they leave our body. In other words, adding known harms like processed foods or ones that are not whole to our diets only add fuel to the fire for a body that's already struggling with toxins.

Personal stories of those who credit juicing for turning their life around

One incredible story comes from Quentin Vennie. He was a heavy smoker, overdosed on Vicodin and struggled with addictions to other medications. Flash forward to a life of juicing and yoga, he's free of his addictions and now a Certified Personal Trainer in New York City. He says he looks to foods, not medications, to heal himself.

There's also Tom Coghill, who admits to facing muscle spasms and short-term memory loss after abusing alcohol, painkillers and tranquilizers. When he decided to make a change in his life, he started juicing foods like carrots, cantaloupe, cucumber and watermelon. He says he experienced increased energy and more importantly, turned his life from one of life-threatening addictions to one of health and new-found spirituality.

While juicing clearly has many benefits, it should be noted that it may not be for everyone. It may sometimes cause diarrhoea, hyperglycaemia symptoms due to consumption of high concentrations of natural sugars, or lead to infections in instances where individuals do not properly clean their juicers.

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