Monday 16 June 2014

Thought The 5:2 Was Hard? Brace Yourself For The 5:2 Juice Diet.

Thought the 5:2 was hard? Brace yourself for the 5:2 JUICE diet that's set to take the health world by storm (and Lauren Goodger can't get enough!)

  • 5:2 juice diet inspired by popular fast diet, where you limit your calorie intake to 500 twice a week
  • Company sends you green juice for two days a week
  • But nutritionists say this can't provide all the nutrients your body needs
The 5:2 diet, which involves limiting yourself to 500 calories a day (600 for men) for two non-consecutive days per week and eating whatever you like for the rest, was the year's most popular way of slimming down fast.
The diet, which was the brainchild of Mimi Spencer and Michael Mosley and attracted celebrity fans including Benedict Cumberbatch and Miranda Kerr, prided itself on helping people lose 1lb per week, all while improving blood pressure, cholesterol levels and insulin sensitivity.
The second most popular way of shifting the pounds to sweep the health world was juicing - and now one company is combining the two diets to create what they think will be this summer's hottest regime: the 5:2 juice.
Could you sustain it? A new diet is sweeping the health world - make way for the 5:2 juice diet, which involves replacing your two 500 calorie days with just juice
Could you sustain it? A new diet is sweeping the health world - make way for the 5:2 juice diet, which involves replacing your two 500 calorie days with just juice
Purifyne Cleanse has launched the 5:2 Intermittent Fasting, a regime that encourages people to consume only juices for two days a week and eat what they like for the other five.
The brand believe that by implementing a 2-day per week juice diet, you can lose weight - especially abdominal fat - and potentially lower your risk of age-related diseases.
So, on two days each week you will be limited to two freshly prepared, cold-pressed juices (500ml/bottle per day), one spicy lemonade drink (500ml/bottle) and a set of natural cleanse and detox supplements such as camomile tea bags and green superfoods that the company post to your door.
Speaking about the concept, which TOWIE's Lauren Goodger is a fan of, CEO Irina Bond said: 'Our Purifyne 5:2 Juice Cleanse takes the 5:2 diet concept a step further by making it even easier to follow with the added benefit of helping to flush toxins out of your body. 
Is that the secret behind her svelte new figure? TOWIE star Lauren Goodger is a fan of the 5:2 juice diet, which claims to boost overall wellbeing and reduce cravings
Is that the secret behind her svelte new figure? TOWIE star Lauren Goodger is a fan of the 5:2 juice diet, which claims to boost overall wellbeing and reduce cravings
'On the 2 days when you are required to consume only 500 calories for women or 600 for men, we deliver a selection of organic, cold-pressed, well balanced, tasty juices and nutritional supplements directly to your door.'
The brand recommend incorporating the two-day juice cleanse into your diet for as long as you want, whether it's to kick your body into shape for summer or as a long-term lifestyle choice. But is that safe?
Lorna Driver-Davies, Nutritional Therapist at, offered her views. She said: 'I have no issue with the health benefits of organic pressed juices - especially those that contain more vegetables than fruit (to keep the fructose low in your diet) but only if they are ideally drunk alongside a healthy diet with actual meals (rather than just juices alone). It’s a good way to increase your 5-a-day plus.
'A few people who have robust health and excellent blood sugar may be able to manage a professional supervised (such as a nutrition retreat) 1-day juice cleanse but this usually involves very little energy expenditure and so they may be able to survive on just juice.
'Most people looking to do juice cleanses will probably imagine they may be able to do them during a busy working day, which I do not advise. The 5:2 diet is a fantastic diet which I do recommend, but it was never advised by medical professionals to be undertaken with just consuming juice.
'I couldn’t find any information on the juice company’s website that included a meal plan which worked out a limit of 500 or 600 calories (including the juices). I therefore do not recommend anyone undertakes a juice fast with only juice alone without some food. 
'Light soups with meat and a little quinoa would go nicely alongside a juice cleanse, or oily fish on oat cakes for example.' 
British Dietetic Association spokesperson, Priya Tew, added: 'Juice contains a lot of natural sugars which will impact on your blood sugar levels, energy levels and dental health. For this reason it is only recommended that you have one serving of juice a day.
Go green? The Purifyne programme, left, costs £89 per week.
Many nutritionists recommend following the Roots and Bulbs Time Out programme, right, which is more of a 'gentle reboot' than a hardcore lifestyle overhaul
The Roots and Bulbs Time Out programme is more of a 'gentle reboot' than a hardcore lifestyle overhaul
Go green? The Purifyne programme, left, costs £89 per week. Many nutritionists recommend following the Roots and Bulbs Time Out programme, right, which is more of a 'gentle reboot' than a hardcore lifestyle overhaul
'Having a balance of nutrients across your day is also important to provide your body with all it needs in terms of energy, protein, fat, fibre and micronutrients. This cannot be provided from juice alone.' 
The Purifyne programme doesn't come cheap - 1 week costs £89, while 8-weeks will set you back  £712.
Many nutritionists recommend following the Roots & Bulbs Time Out programme, which is a 'gentle reboot' rather than a hardcore lifestyle overhaul.
The two-day programme supplies five bottles of green juice, two of almond milk to provide protein and individual packets of specially selected organic nuts to give you crunch.
Sarah Cadji, founder of Roots & Bulbs, said: 'Our aim with Time Out is simple: to offer a healthy, easy and safe alternative to extreme juice fasting that will contribute to weight loss, but will also give your body all the nutrients it needs to function properly and for you to feel well while you are doing it.
'Our short-term juice plan offers two main advantages: providing responsible nutrition, while also making your food decisions simple and balanced.
'The almond milk stabilises blood glucose levels by providing protein, and the nuts give you some crunch and fibre to alleviate hunger pangs.
'It won’t cut your calorie intake to a level which makes you feel awful; instead it offers a short-term focus towards a long-term goal.'


 Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, who has one of showbiz's most enviable figures, recently praised her ‘delicious green juice' which she described as 'a great way to start the day.'
But what’s behind this mysterious concoction? Along with other super healthy ingredients such as cucumber, kale and parsley, the Japanese wholefood Chlorella is added to the juice.
And it’s not just Rosie who’s caught the Chlorella bug, Miranda Kerr has admitted that she takes Chlorella supplements to keep her skin in check.
green vegetable smoothie
green vegetable smoothie
Nadia Brydon, who’s a nutritionist and green food expert at Sun Chlorella, has shared her tips for the perfect morning smoothie....
'With everyone from Rosie Huntington-Whiteley to Millie Mackintosh drinking green smoothies recently, you’d be forgiven for thinking this is just another beauty fad. 
'We all know that we’re probably not eating enough greens, yet our greens contain the most vitamins and minerals of any foods we eat, and are the most important category of foods to consume on a daily basis to help keep us healthy.  
Green smoothies can be high in vitamin B12, which can help reduce tiredness, and magnesium, which is found in dark green vegetables and can act as nature’s tranquiliser, helping to keep us de-stressed and relaxed – so it’s no wonder so many busy celebs are trying it!  
You’ll notice that a lot of models are now adding green supplements to their juices, to up their nutrient intake even further. For instance, a daily serving of the Japanese wholefood Sun Chlorella contains iron content equivalent to nine cups of spinach (270g) and the same B12 content as a 32oz steak. 
Perhaps most importantly, these drinks provide large quantities of whole food natural vitamins and minerals and help increase our daily intake of fruit and vegetables – for busy people who still want to remain healthy, this is hugely important. 
Smoothies are also full of fibre and water along with a whole range of nutrients which naturally makes us feel fuller which reduces the desire to consume food generally especially sugar and carbohydrates. We recommend the Rolls Royce of blenders, the Vitamix blender, as it breaks down the cell walls of fresh, whole foods to deliver the full benefit of nutrients. It also saves time as all of the ingredients can be added at once.'
Miranda and Rosie’s green juices and smoothies are so nutritious, simply because greens contain the most vitamins and minerals of any foods we eat, and are the most important category of foods to consume on a daily basis to help keep us healthy.  
Combining these into an easy to drink smoothie can help busy people cram as many of these vegetables into their daily diet as possible. Juicing and blending raw green vegetables and living micro greens (sprouts) containing fresh vibrant green chlorophyll are extremely nutritious ways of creating optimum health and energy. 
Just juice: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley has revealed that she takes Chlorella (like those pictured right) to keep her skin in check
Just juice: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley has revealed that she takes Chlorella (like those pictured right) to keep her skin in check
Just juice: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley has revealed that she loves Chlorella (like those pictured right) green juices
Juicing or blending any raw green vegetable, especially the living leafy varieties, is an effective way of increasing oxygen in the body and helping to build healthy tissues.
Green smoothies containing the ingredients seen in Rosie and Miranda’s can be high in vitamin B12, which can help reduce tiredness. 
The spinach in Rosie’s signature smoothie is high in magnesium, which is found in dark green vegetables and can act as nature’s tranquiliser, helping to keep us de-stressed and relaxed – so it’s no wonder so many busy celebs are trying it!  
You’ll notice that a lot of models are now adding green supplements to their juices, to up their nutrient intake even further. For instance, a daily serving of the Japanese wholefood Sun Chlorella contains iron content equivalent to nine cups of spinach (270g) and the same B12 content as a 32oz steak – vitamin D in particular is important for winter, as this nutrient is produced by natural sunlight, and long cold winters can cause Brits to become deficient, meaning it’s important to top up where possible.  

To make a Rosie or Miranda style green smoothie, try the delicious recipe below at home. Freshly juiced fruits should always be diluted 50:50 with water in order to dilute the sugar content.  

Blend the below ingredients, adding the water first.
•    600ml mineral water (still)
•    ½ chopped cucumber (skin & pips included)
•    ¼ peeled avocado
•    1 chopped celery stick
•    Juice of ½ lemon or lime
•    ¼ teaspoon unrefined salt
•    Sun Chlorella ‘A’ tablets: initially starting off with 5 tablets for the first three days, moving up to 10 for the next 3 days and then 15 tablets herein after.
•    Small double handful (60-80mg) of mixed green leaves from the following (they can be combined): spinach, watercress, rocket, savoy cabbage, chard, lettuce, chicory, kale, bok choy, sprigs of mint, parsley, coriander, basil.

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