Thursday 26 June 2014

The Healing Power Of Juice Fasting

Juice Fasting - 


Our bodies are designed to thrive on raw vegetables. Cooking foods so destroys the nutritional values that we develop many deficiency diseases as a result. Fortunately, our health can be largely restored by taking into our bodies the concentrated nutritional power of fresh vegetable juices. You need not worry about fiber. More than enough fiber is present in vegetable juices than is required to keep our systems operating well.
Juice fasting is currently gaining popularity as a form of detoxification. It is also viewed as an alternative form of treatment for a variety of diseases. Some people also undergo juice fasting for religious purposes.
Commonly used juices in a juice fasting regimen include green vegetables, such as parsley and spinach; cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage and broccoli; roots, such as beets and sweet potatoes; herbs, such as peppermint, basil, ginger and garlic; fruits, such as grapes and citrus fruits; and wheat-grass. These juices should be diluted in water.
Some people undergoing fasting for weight loss complain about the taste of these juices. It is advisable to combine fruits and vegetables in order to create a healthier and more palatable drink.
The amount of juice you can drink is not restricted. However, some practitioners set limits, approximately 32-64 ounces per day. You may also take other fluids, such as water and herbal tea, to promote further detoxification.
Since pure juices contain little fibre, it is usually necessary to take a laxative or an enema to promote expulsion of waste products in your intestines.
A few days before you start juice fasting, various food and drinks are gradually eliminated from the diet, including alcohol, caffeine, sugar, animal meat, fish and eggs. This leaves organic fruits and vegetables in the diet.
The length of a juice fast varies, depending on the faster. Some practitioners opt to fast once a week or 3-5 days per month. Avid practitioners undergo longer fasts, usually lasting about a week to a month once or twice a year. People who undergo fasting for health reasons may opt to fast until the symptoms are relieved or the disease is treated.
We live in a world that often tells us more is better. Fasting for weight loss, fitness and health may be good for the holy - some may say. But the common perception appears to be that hunger must be appeased at all times and without question.
And with the growth of technology, microwave goods and instant everything - taking the road-less-travelled of fasting for weight loss & improved health is not the most popular course of action. Live to eat even if it kills you later. I want it all and I want it now
The relentless and insane compulsion for immediate gratification, as it relates to food and eating, is leading millions to an early grave like blind lambs to an unforgiving (and self-inflicted) slaughterhouse". Fasting for weight loss - or any change requiring sacrifice - is the last thing on their minds. At least until illness strikes. Then, in panic, many run to hospitals and demand a cure. The almighty doctor, some believe, is the solution to the obesity problem.
Whatever the reason, and however you want to do it, a juice fasting can bring you benefits. 
Try it!


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