Friday 21 November 2014

5:2 Diet All You need To Know.

We've all heard the stories.   The 5:2 diet took the UK and
the rest of the world by storm for one simple reason: it works! It's everywhere, and with celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Lopez and our dear Phillip Schofield as avid fans, we can see why! The weight-loss plan that lets you eat normally for 5 days out of 7 became the number one diet craze of 2013, promising its followers that they can eat normally for most of the time, and it's still proving just as popular in 2014...

Whether you've already tried the diet and need some inspiration to keep 
going, or you're thinking of trying it for the first time, we've
explained the 5:2 diet, including what you can and can't eat on your
fast days, and we've even put together some 5:2 meal plans that will
make your fasting days a piece of cake. You'll be on the road to
Summer-ready in no time!

So if you're determined to lose weight this year, read on... 

How the 5:2 Diet works

In short, the 5:2 Diet is a part-time diet. It means that you can eat normally for 5 days of the week, and fast for just 2. As you can imagine, this has huge appeal for many people who don't like the idea of being on a diet full time and not being able to enjoy a good feed from time to time.
On your 2 fasting days, you can only eat 500 calories per day of your recommended 2000. Because of the very low intake of calories on these 2 days, it's recommended that you spread them out, rather than doing them consecutively.
The diet works by limiting your calorie intake to just 25% of your usual intake, but only for 2 days of the week, but still delivers results. Beth Ivory told us on our Facebook page that after just two weeks on the diet, her husband had shed 6lbs. Not bad when you think that's only actually 4 days spent dieting.

What can I eat on the 5:2 Diet? 

While the calorie restrictions are strict on the two days spent fasting, the diet is actually very flexible. It's up to you what you eat on your fast days, as long as it comes in at no more than 500 calories for the whole day. You will need to be committed and pretty strong willed as you're cutting your calorie intake by 3/4, but if you keep busy and plan what you're going to eat - it's definitely achievable.
You can eat whatever you like, but the below foods are some of the most sensible as they're low in calories so you can eat more throughout the day than if you eat smaller, high calorie foods:
  • Lots of vegetables!
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Small portions of lean meat
  • Soups

While it's allowed, filling up on a croissant at breakfast will use up most of your calorie allowance and you'll be starving for the rest of the day. Experiment a little with what times work well for you on your fasting days. You might find skipping breakfast and having 2 small meals for lunch and dinner works well for you. Or having a larger, more satisfying meal in the evening and a few snacks during the day might be better - it's really down to personal preference.

When can I eat on the 5:2 Diet? 

When to eat is also up to you. You can split your 500 calories as you wish, into just 1 meal, 2, or 3, for breakfast, lunch, or dinner - but the healthiest way is to eat little and often throughout the day.

What can I drink?

Plenty of water! You can drink as much water as you like, and you should aim to drink as much as possible during your fasting days, it'll keep you hydrated, and may help you to stave off hunger for a little longer.
You'll need to watch out for drinks with milk in, as these will use up calories that could be otherwise put towards a meal.
You can drink: 
  • Black or herbal teas
  • Black coffee
  • Diet drinks

Is the 5:2 Diet healthy?

Fans of the 5:2 Diet say that not only will it help you to lose weight but that it can increase life-span and protect against diseases such as heart disease, Alzheimer's and cancer. However, fasting can have some nasty side effects, noteably, dizziness, lack of energy, irritability, headaches and trouble sleeping, so make sure you're prepared for this!
While it's thought that the 5:2 Diet can also help to prevent type 2 diabetes, it is not suitable for people who already have diabetes, who need to regulate their sugar levels.

5:2 Diet plan 

Here at goodtoknow, we're always thinking of ways to help you be 'healthy not hungry', our Recipes team have put together a gallery of healthy, low-cal meals to help you plan out your 2 fasting days, with lots of tasty recipes that will keep you within your 500 calorie limit - and still make you feel like you've had a good meal.

 5:2 Diet meal plans

 Sticking to just 500 calories a day on your fasting days can be tricky to work out, so we've done the hard work for you. All these delicious meal plans come in at under 500 calories, and include:
- and a snack - we are good to you aren't we?
# for more info go to

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