Wednesday 29 October 2014


By Zoƫ Marshall on Monday, 11 August 2014 at 10:28
The 5:2 diet uses intermittent fasting (IF) principles by giving your body a break from processing and digesting food. You greatly reduce your calorie intake on two days per week and this respite enables your body to undertake some other natural functions i.e. repairing. Research has shown this approach has many health benefits as well as weight loss.
Here are some tips to help you get started.
Plan your fasting day When you first start out on your fasting days you may feel tired and weak. It is therefore worth planning to fast on days when you do not require being too energetic, until you get used to it. If it is impossible to choose a “quiet day” you could continue eating during the day i.e. breakfast and lunch, and skip your evening meal when you may be able to relax. You will adjust to fasting and then choosing a day should not be a problem.Watch your carbs On your fast day you chances of success will be enhanced if you can avoid being too hungry, especially early on. One of the best ways of doing this is to avoid eating too many carbs during the evening before your fast day. Count your calories On a fasting day women are allowed 500 calories and men 600. You must count all your calories, including milk in tea and coffee. It is easy to forget about added milk and you will be surprised how many calories you consume each day by just adding milk to your drinks. Eat consciously When you eat your limited calories on a fast day eat them mindfully. Avoid distractions such as computers, tablets, TVs and phones. Eat slowly and concentrate on the flavours and textures. Your food will last longer and you will feel fuller, which will be helpful on a fast day. Drink water Hunger is often mistaken for thirst and dehydration. Dehydration can affect your functioning and deplete your energy levels. If you feel hungry on your fast day, before reaching for food, drink plenty of water, it will maintain yourhydration and assist your fasting.Listen to your body I know that an attraction of this eating plan is you can eat as you like on your non fasting days. But you don’t have to. One of the beauties of this plan is that the fasting day experience teaches and conditions you to make more healthy choices on your non fasting days. So, on your non fasting days listen to your body, you may not want to binge and you certainly should not just because you can. Of course the odd treat is acceptable, but after a short period of fasts you will find you are in more control of your food intake. Follow your body.Exercise Although exercise alone is quite ineffective for weight loss, exercising in conjunction with the correct nutrition is very useful. If your resolve for your diet is weakening, exercise will improve your mental health, lift your mood and enhance your willpower. Also, a toned muscle will burn more calories and make you look slimmer and healthier.Don’t obsess about weighing yourself Your weight can fluctuate from day to day and sometime from hour to hour. Do not weigh yourself too often. You will find it disheartening if weight loss is minimal. Instead, measure your body shape and take notice at how your clothes fit.

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