Sunday 14 September 2014

5-2 Recipes:Cheese & Tomato Breakfast Omelette

What to have for breakfast on a 'fasting day'

 – 170 calories *
Omelette Diet

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 6 minutes
Total time: 16 minutes
  • 5 sprays of rapeseed oil (22 calories)
  • 35g cherry tomatoes (halved = 6 calories)
  • 1/4 red onion, peeled, and finely diced (about 40g = 8 calories)
  • 6 or 8 fresh basil leaves (4 calories)
  • 2 small Free-Range eggs (37g each = 54 calories x 2 = 108 calories)
  • 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese (22 calories)
  • salt and pepper
Step 1 Heat up a small non-stick frying pan and spray the oil into it, then add the onions and fry over a gentle heat for 3 to 5 minutes or until nearly soft; add the halved cherry tomatoes and cook for a further 3 to 5 minutes or until the tomatoes are soft and just start to release their juices. Take off the heat and add the chopped basil leaves, Spoon the tomato mixture into a bowl and wipe the pan clean.
Step 2 Beat the eggs with a little water and then season to taste with
. Heat the non-stick frying pan over a medium heat and then add the beaten eggs, swirling them around the pan and constantly tipping the pan and drawing the edges into the middle, to allow to runny egg to run out and set. (Use a wooden fork or Teflon spatula)
Step 3 When the eggs are nearly set to your liking, sprinkle the Parmesan cheese over one half and then spoon the tomatoes over the top of the cheese, flip one half over and cook for a further 1 to 2 minutes until the omelette is set.
Step 4 Slide the omelette out of the pan on to a warm plate and season with black pepper. Can be served as a light lunch with salad leaves, but add the calories on for that!

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